alien research center nevada


Untamed, unspoiled, and gloriously rough around the edges. Welcome to your next adventure.

Nevada is a lot of things at the same time. Neon-buzzing boulevards and wide-open roads. Spectacular stage shows and star-studded skies. The most right-now art and million-year-old rock formations. 浮华. 富有魅力的. 毅力. And endless surprises. 关键是, 你是否有心情在这个星球上最好的度假胜地炫耀一番, 在一些国家最隐蔽和令人叹为观止的公园里寻求孤独, or simply let the road lead you to your life’s most exciting, 出乎意料的, and unwritten next chapters, your heart and mind are in the exact right state: the Silver 状态. 换句话说: Welcome to Nevada.

  • 600+ 鬼城—More Than “Live” Ones
  • 巴斯克 Dinner Houses and Sagebrush Saloons
  • Oddball Attractions and Far-Out Art

Topa! 巴斯克-ing in 内华达文化

Hailing from a mountainous, New Jersey-sized region straddling France and Spain, 巴斯克人首先是来淘金的,后来是来放牧的. 那些留在内华达州的人保留了他们的文化,这种精神今天在内华达州仍然充满活力.

Dig Into 巴斯克 文化

So what’ll it be? All-to-yourself highways and dirt-road horizons, intriguing attractions and far-out art, endless outdoor playgrounds and #nofilter-worthy wilderness… and much, 更? How about all of the above and beyond? You’ve come to the right place.

Ready to start planning?

Stuck in the grind? We’ve written the escape manual. Get your hands on the surprising scenery, intriguing towns, weird attractions, 以及其他无尽的内华达州独有体验,让这个地方变得如此特别.

下载 Your Guide

Seasons in Nevada

Nevada is a land of extremes. And the weather is no exception. 峰峦密布、沙漠密布的北部以昼暖夜凉著称. 与此同时,干旱、低沙漠的南方气温可能会达到三位数. And, believe it or not, it can rain or snow literally any time. 在任何地方. 这就是为什么真正的职业选手会在比基尼外穿羽绒服,并带上人字拖和靴子. So let us walk you through how to navigate the weather around here. One season at a time.





冬天 in Nevada


春天 in Nevada

# 世界杯下注网站

一定要给你的东西加上标签,并与你的同行们在虚拟世界里交流. Oh, and feel free to grab our attention. We’re @travelnevada on all the things. 如果我们喜欢你的照片,我们可能会要求在我们的动态中重新分享它,让你在instagram上走红.

It's time to apply for tickets to tour this gorgeous freak. 飞喷泉, not far from the putty-colored playa known as Black Rock Desert, is a technicolor blend of iron (red), 硫酸(黄色), 还有藻类(是的, the green crud) on private property in northern Nevada. 它诞生于1964年,当时一家地热公司的钻机意外暴露了它. 55年过去了,它变得越来越高,一年比一年更可爱. Details and ticket info at

#dfmi #burningman #风景摄影#westbysouthwest #earthescope #ourdailyplanet #荒野文化#地质学#出境#美国西部#旅行内华达州#getoutside #optoutside #LPM #earth_pix #风景摄影#outside_project #喷泉#blackrockdesert #wondersofourplanet #earthfocus
Always keep love in your heart!
Pyramid lake is not all ladders and shoulder to shoulder fishing
Camp along side the water at Pyramid Lake this summer. 一些露营地甚至提供全套连接和热水淋浴等设施.
#DFMI 📷 by @christopher.burns71
#旅行内华达#金字塔湖#露营#露营目标#人类最好的朋友#冒险文化#内华达#NVAdventure #发现
Still one of my favorite scenes.  我记得我拍了几张照片,用构图的方式向东看(朝金字塔湖),直到我注意到我的肩膀上有一束光.  I turned to witness this tableau unfolding before me.  Definitely a surprise that pretty much floored me.
查看位于#里诺Tahoe playa之外的所有必看的burningman艺术品☮️访问我们的链接! ⬆️
After a few trip plans didn’t work out tom.m.最后,施罗德和我骑着自行车在内华达北部的沙漠里,在一个温泉旁扎营. The biking was epic and couldn’t ask for a better campsite.  在回家的路上,我们在加州的沙斯塔山附近骑了一圈,也没有让人失望. #gravelbike #nevada #blackrockdesert #mountshasta #camping
“Bright Biggest Little” 
It’s going to be a BEAUTIFUL weekend in the Biggest Little City! With so many great spots to explore, it’s hard to choose a favorite. 对我来说, 这是俯瞰巴特利牧场地区公园和“内华达”牧场的地方:城市中心的乡村美景. 无法抗拒! 
So the question is: Where are you going to explore this weekend? 
Happy Friday and have a great weekend everybody! 
You say “mud bath,我们说:“这是全州最好的自然内华达式水疗体验之一。!” 🧖🏻‍♀️♨️🤩
打开#BurnerByway,在黑岩沙漠(Black Rock Desert)开放的温泉群中享受一些“我的时间”. 这些天然底池充满了营养丰富的泥浆,在豪华的日间水疗中心会花你一大笔钱, but out in the wild? Soak it up and slather it on!
之后, 如果你发现自己在家,渴望那惊人的浸泡赛, treat yourself to the next best thing and order up some @blackrockmud, 这是一种皮肤舒适的泥面膜(也是全球豪华水疗的主要产品),产自格拉赫郊区的一个私人温泉. 点击我们的链接了解这个和其他九个坏蛋#OnlyInNevada冒险! .
# 世界杯下注网站 #NVRoadTrip #Hot春天s #NVHot春天s #AdventureSeekers #地热# explore内华达州#西部#内华达州生活
